What if St. Louis Became a "Pay it Forward" City?

Check out the book “Pay it Forward” by Catherine Ryan Hyde to read a fictitious story that COULD be true…You make a commitment to do three significant acts of kindness in your lifetime. You ask each one of those 3 people to pay it forward… the ripple? Let’s do the math!

3 pay it forward acts x 3 = 9×3 = 27 = 81×3 = 243 x 3 = 729x 3 = 2,187 x 3 = 59,049 x 3 = 177,147 x 3 = 531,441 etc., etc., etc.

The Healing Organization – Awakening the Conscience of Business to Save the World

Raj Sisoadia, Michael J. Gelb

“The Healing Organization – Awakening the conscience of Business to Save the World” is a must read, by Raj Sisoadia, Michael J. Gelb

How Full is Your Bucket?

Tom Rath and Donald Clifton

LOVE this book by Tom Rath of the Gallup organization, that shares the concept of “filling” emotional buckets. The book website even allows you to send the complimentary “Drops”. to people you know to fill others emotional buckets.

The Dream Manager

Matthew Kelly

A “must” read for managers and business owners by Matthew Kelly

The Dream Giver

Bruce Wilkinson

I have a woo-woo story behind this book by Bruce Wilkinson.

Positively Mother Goose

Diana Loomans and Julia Loomans

You’ll want to read this book to your kids or grandkids!

The Art of Possibility

Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander

LOVE! A great way to look at creating “possibilities!”

The Passion Test

Janet Bray Attwood and Chris Attwood

Great exercises!

Write Down – Make it Happen

Henriette Anne Klauser

Great stories on the power and magic of clarity on our goals.

One Minute Millionaire

Mark Victor Hansen and Robert Allen

Great “story” of how creative we can become when given a reason!

The Go Giver

Bob Burg and John David Mann

Five Laws of Stratospheric Success.

Wishcraft: How to Get What You Really Want


Barbara Sher

These two books, or any book by Barbara Sher are always about “possibilities” and passions.

There’s Not Enough Time: And Other Lies We Tell Ourselves

Jill Farmer

This title speaks for itself!

Swim with Sharks

Harvey MacKay

Read the “66 Questions Company Profile” to help build relationships.